CHL Online


Data Coverage

We are pleased to announce the launch of CLH ONLINE – CHN WEB VERSION DATA BASE.

Initially the DATA of CALCUTTA HIGH COURT NOTES – CHN shall be provided online. Later on, we shall add the data base of the EASTERN CRIMINAL NOTES – ECrN, from 2012 to 2014 along with the current issues of 2015. Also, THE WEST BENGAL LAWS AND CHN and ECrN Digest and COMMON LAW CASES – ComLC from 2011 TO 2014, along with the current issues of 2015 shall be made available online.

The database of CHN – 2011 AND ECrN – 2011 and backwards, shall be made available from the next year at an additional rate in a completely new package.

IT IS TO BE NOTED that now we have no tie up with other publishing house and hence, they would be unable to provide the CHN data anymore. There are few other software producers who are utilizing CHN’s data and its goodwill without our consent and in a pirated manner. Action shall be initiated against such unauthorized reproduction of the CHN data the moment it comes to or is brought to our notice.

Within a short span we shall come up with the entire case law archives of the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court (the first High Court in India and one of the three Chartered High Courts of the country), the Privy Council, the Federal Court and the Supreme Court of India.

Currently from 2011, we are also publishing an international law journal, namely ‘Common Law Cases’ – ComLC, the only Law Journal chronicling the judgments delivered by the Supreme Courts of the Commonwealth countries, thereby making the journal a one of its kind in the whole of South East Asia. We have decided to incorporate it in our ONLINE WEB VERSION DATA BASE along with the other journals to be made available online.

Coverage of data of the CALCUTTA HIGH COURT NOTES – CHN (the complete Law Journal for the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court), the EASTERN CRIMINAL NOTES – EcrN and the COMMON LAW CASES – ComLC, with the exact text of the judgments of the Hon’ble Courts, along with THE WEST BENGAL LAWS are/ shall be made available in our website.

N.B. Nowadays the text of the judgments delivered by the courts are edited and altered by some publishers according to their own whims and fantasies. Such a practice is offensive and illegal and the judgments published in such a manner lose their originality and authenticity.

Only the original versions of the judgments of the Hon’ble Courts are authenticated and authorized to be published. We are providing the exact text of the Judgments along with our head notes in our ONLINE WEB VERSION.